
C•CURE 9000 Security and Event Management System integrated with the Innometriks High Assurance Security Solution (hardware and software) provides a powerful architecture that features an end-to-end FICAM-compliant PACS system for PIV/CAC credential validation, PACS enrollment and fast processing speeds for certificate validation at the reader in under two seconds. Ideal for small, medium and enterprise government and commercial environments alike, the authentication module is embedded into iSTAR Ultra to support ongoing, periodic certificate status updates. The iSTAR Ultra can continue to process credentials even if the network or controller is offline up to your defined cut off time.
The Software House and Innometriks end-to-end solution’s hardware and software products provide high assurance that meets or exceeds the credential authentication requirements set forth by the U.S. Government identity programs. Strong authentication verifies an individual's identity using technologies including biometrics, smartcards, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and digital signatures to provide a level of assurance above and beyond that available through non-smart card ID card mechanisms.
This policy and statement make explicit our commitment to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any part of our business or supply chain.